"Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see."
A wonderful song, but how often do we really pay attention to those words. Listen to more...
"T'was grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear, the hour I first believed."
But what about now? Does grace still seem precious to you? Recently, I have realized that grace is just as precious and just as meaningful. In a moment, more on that, but listen again...
"Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come. T'was grace that kept me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home."
I am convinced that though we might know some of the dangers, toils, and snares we have come through, many more are unaware to us.
What amazing grace we are given. My husband has great grace given to him to do his job and do it well, especially with the long hours he puts in. My daughters are in other countries and thriving--that is grace--especially since one of them told me today that there is great depression and oppression there. There is a clear demarcation as to whether you follow God or not. There is no middle ground. God has worked it out for her to spend time daily with Him, in the Word, listening to our pastor's sermon cd's she took with her, listening to worship cd's and doing a much relevant Bible Study on Esther. That is grace! I am taking care of my ailing parents, and there is great legalism still present here. Yet, I am delighting and rejoicing in the Lord and He is giving me places to escape in Him and the grace to handle the current situation. In the midst of life, He is here and close and very real in His presence. How I love Him and being in His presence! There's no place I would rather be. Despite all that swirls around me, I can rest in my inner woman. That my friend, is Grace!
Lovely, lovely post, Cheryl! And encouraging! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWow. I read and re-read this one. So encouraging. Thanks, Cheryl.